Blog post 11/8/18 Hey y’all I know that it’s been a while since I’ve wrote a blog post due to the fact that I haven’t been able to come to GET City cause of work. But I’m back now and I’m gonna be writing some more good blogs for y’all. So today the GET City …
Author: angie
GET City Summer Camp Day 3
For day 3 of summer get city we came to Michigan State to do some investigating of how the food we eat is made. For the beginning of the day we went to Shaw Hall to get a tour of the kitchen and how they prep the food they make. For example they have to …
GET City Summer Camp! Part 1
Today in the Get City camp we are creating GIS maps to show where our food comes from, how to travels to us, and how that impacts our environment. Yesterday we interviewed Granny to learn more about how she cooks. We did homework on what are parents favorite foods, and we recorded what our stories …
GET City Mentors Go To New York!
We got on a Delta plane and had an hour and a half ride to NYC! Then we took an Uber from LaGuardia airport to the hotel, and we got to sight see on the way! When we got to the hotel we ended up having to share a room until we could get our …
Getting the word out
For one of my projects I designed a set of signs that give motivating messages to kids in my community. I really wanted to help other kids be open to and have the power they need to have a good relationships with their parents. I thought of the idea because some kids might not know …
Getting down to business
Our Little Free STEM Library wheels broke, so I removed them and now I am adding fabric so that the LFL can move around easily now that we have no wheels on it. Right now I’m cutting up fabric to put at the bottom. I think this will look nice and work. When Im done with …
Finally another update on us!
Today in Get City S and I were working on our website for our project. Since we are working on a foster and adoption project we decided to make a website to have people see some stories about what people think about what a good home is or what a good family means. For example, …
Feeling Accomplished!
I think it is important for kids to have the opportunity to feel accomplished with what they are working on. By keeping working on their projects and making it into a bigger better project kids could help to make a difference, and they could become famous for what they are doing. In electric art kids …
GET City News!
Hi world! Come see the amazing things we do in GET City. We’re starting back up with our newsletters this Fall 2017. Enjoy, and send us your feedback! You can find our newsletters HERE!
Back to the City!
Today is the first day back for get city. So far we are talking about what get city is and what we are going to do through out the school year, some stuff we have came up with pod cast ideas to address issues in the world. One issue they were talking about is transgender …