Today is the first day back for get city. So far we are talking about what get city is and what we are going to do through out the school year, some stuff we have came up with pod cast ideas to address issues in the world. One issue they were talking about is transgender issues. For example one thing that transgenders have a problem with is what bathroom they need to go to. Also some transgender kids are made to feel ashamed of who they are and what are doing to their bodys because people are always telling them are only changing to get attention but in reality they are changing for themselves. I love everyone equally because everyone should feel loved for who they are and they shouldnt feel like they are alone. Also I have have family members who are in the lgbt community and i love them just as much as i love my mom and dad. I love them for who they are because they have a really good personality. In my opinion I would rather hang out with some people in the lgbt community because they have alot more fun when they are together. But back to the rest of the day. Everyone is now in some small groups going over somemore pod cast about other stuff.