
Inventing new things and #ASMR slime videos!


Hey guys so for today’s blog your gonna be reading about how Angie, Aaliyah and I made a lollipop engine thing to make optical illusions. We soldered together a motor with two batteries, and then Aliyah had the idea to use the lollipop as a switch so we could turn it on and off. I cut out different designs and hot glued them on cardboard I cut out. Also we couldn’t figure how to stand the motor up so it could still turn, so we came up with the idea of using an old tape thing and the hole was the perfect size for stand, so we hot glued that to a piece of wood. Then, when the rest of the get city members came in, we explained what we made and how it worked.

#hotglue #opticalillusionmachine
Here it is!11/20/18
Then we had told everyone how we were going to start making different electronic devise starting next week. But first, today, was a DIY slime day. We wanted to make #ASMR videos for GET City Youtube. After we told them, some of the kids had told us that they have made it before, and one kid said they never did and they are gonna be making it at school. Before they got into making the slime, we watched a video on how to make it that one of the kids knew about, and after we watched the video one of the get city members explained that we should wear a apron because of the stuff we were using and how it could get stained on our clothes. So the materials that we used were shaving cream , glue, the activater and paint instead of food coloring and they used glitter to make it stick better. There are a lot of kids who mixed the colors together and they turned out great. But me, I had to epic fails haha! See my #epicfails picture below! I’m not a very creative person but I mean at least I tried. I’m glad that everyone had fun doing the fun activities before Thanksgiving. I really enjoy watching everyone make things and having fun with it. We also made alot of asmr videos to with the slime! I recorded a bunch of them, so more on that later!

#EpicFail #Slime

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