Building community connections for taking action on climate change! Get City youth embarked on a journey of self-discovery, exploring who they are, their favorite places, foods, music, and activities. They also explored how they connected to science/STEM, and where they have experienced science/STEM. They started their map by brainstorming and sketching, using a projector to …
Author: angie
October – This Month in GET City!
Starting this month, the youth at Get City are beginning the program with an activity called ‘Mapping Myself’ that represents their unique identities and preferences. Throughout the entire month, they are engaged in different activities focused on climate change, sharing their thoughts, images, feelings, and lived experiences related to notable events such as storms, power …
In-land Flooding in Michigan
Feb 24, 2020 Today we build models of our local neighborhoods and modeled flooding! We also DIY our own clay for this project, too! We learned that climate change is going to increase the number of floods in Michigan. Since 1950 the average annual rain and snow in Michigan has increased by 5 to 10 …
Have you experienced Climate Injustice?
Feb 19, 2020 We want to know what your experiences with Climate (In)Justice is? If you have a minute, can you tell us your story? We’re going to be sharing our stories with you, too. A: I have asmtha, and on the days in the summer when it is really hot, I need to stay …
Climate Action in Our Community!
Feb 12, 2020 We got to talk to Mr. C today who told us all about his activist work on environmental racism in our city. He told us about all of the different projects he worked on, and the different approaches and strategies he uses. It was very inspirational!
What do we want? Climate Justice!
Feb 10, 2020 What do we want? Climate Justice! When do we want it? Now! We are studying how climate change is impacting our community. In Lansing there are four main ways that climate change impacts us: 1. In-land flooding (because the rivers cannot handle the more intense rain storms) 2. Poorer air quality on …
InterMedia Workshop!
Jan 29, 2020 Today we conducted a workshop for our parents and peers. We wanted to teach everyone about how we created and built our Inter-Media Projects. 6:00pm Introductions to GET City: Who are we? 6:10pm Intermedia Projects: What are they and why are they important to us? 6:15pm Youth individual projects 6:30pm GET City …
GET City Speed Make Challenge
Jan 27, 2020 GET City Speed Make Challenge: GET City Speed Make! Challenge: You have 3.5 minutes to make whatever you can, using the materials on the table! Why this challenge is important. In GET City, we often face time and materials challenges in getting our projects done. SOmetimes that challenge feels exciting, and other …
GET City Panel!
1/17/19 Good afternoon to y’all! Today was the day that the Get City youth got to hear about some projects that me and the other mentors have done, and also of some that the GET City alumni have done. Of course I talked about the Little Free STEM Library, and K and …
Inventing new things and #ASMR slime videos!
11/20/18 Hey guys so for today’s blog your gonna be reading about how Angie, Aaliyah and I made a lollipop engine thing to make optical illusions. We soldered together a motor with two batteries, and then Aliyah had the idea to use the lollipop as a switch so we could turn it on and off. …