Last week we did some investigations on green energy — energy that lets us power things without harming the earth. We learned about solar panels, hand cranks, and piezo pads. We also tried to power small paper circuits with these. We tried to power parallel circuits and series circuits. We figured out that we had an easier time powering the parallel circuits. We also figured out that all of the green energy sources worked, but some were easier to use, or worked better than others. We are trying to figure out how we want to use this information in our engineering designs we are working on this year. One group is working on food justice so they need to figure out how to power a fan in their green house. Another group is working on homeless animal justice so they need to figure out how to power LED lights in their animals kits. And another group is working on improving the little free library, and they want to add a lighting system powered by solar energy. There are other groups, but these are just some examples!