
A summer experience at Michigan Tech

Day gave me the idea of writing about when I went to Michigan Tech over the summer. Every year 2 GET City youth get picked to go. Ok, so when I went to Michigan Tech I was in the geological engineering group. So what the geological group did was to go look at rocks at Copper Harbor. We also went to a mine [the Quincy Mine] that people can go in and learn about what it was used for. Also we went to see some rock piles and used metal detectors to find rocks that had copper in them. I still have my copper rock. You can see a picture below! It was really cool to learn about the mines that are still around and what they were used for. It was awesome to learn how to use the metal detectors to find some rocks that had cooper in them. O

Outside of being in the geological group we got to take trips to the store and stuff with everyone that was there. Going to Michigan Tech is an awesome way to meet new people and learn about different things. Michigan Tech had a lot of different classes you could choose from. For example there were two medical classes, and a criminal justice class. After I went to Michigan Tech I’m thinking about going to MSU or Grand Valley to major in geological engineering because I had so much fun learning about what you get to study. It was also fun getting to hang out with A who went with me! ~Autumn

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